Today I took a walk with the Great Light. I’m not sure what else to call it so I’ll call it God. Before God and I set out to stroll through creation, he asked me to sit awhile. “Be still,” he said, “and soft spoken so that you may hear what I have to say to you.” I sat patiently, waiting to hear what he might tell me. At first I wasn’t sure what to expect or what I might hear. But he soon took me by the heart and joined it with my mind and body. I felt his presence as an inviting warmth that swept across me like a gentle warm liquid breeze.

“Child, what is it you might like to know?” he asked.

What on earth might you tell the creator of everything with the Power of cosmos that you might want to know? So many things raced through my mind. I could have asked anything, material or spiritual—how to get rich, how to be happy, how to become famous…

“Please show me the things I need to know,” I replied.

“Okay, then let’s get up and take a walk!”

I stood, unsure where to go or what to take with me. He showed me a door, so I walked through it and stepped into nature. As I strolled through the hills, moments of inspiration and thought came over me. I could see things differently than I had before; they were new, as if I were discovering them for the first time. The trees seemed greener, the blooms of spring more vibrant. I kept walking. The wind on my face and running through my sweatshirt took me back to when I left a submarine for the first time in months: I’d felt so grateful to feel the wind again! I had forgotten what the wind felt like. I remembered the gratitude I felt all those years ago and was able to express it once again.

Thank you, God, for the trees, the flowers, and the wind.

I kept walking further. He reminded me of the connection I have with a friend, one of gratitude and love. Love for a friend was a feeling I had forgotten. The world has taught me how to keep friends outside of who I am. Better to keep them at arm’s length than to let them see your Being. People who see your Being may reject you, use you, or hurt you. He reminded me of the preciousness of a friend as if it were the first time I experienced friendship. I felt the gratitude, connection, and cherishing of that connection.

Thank you, God, for friendship.

As I continued through the hills, he led me down a staircase and brought me to the edge of the still water in a valley with mountains all around.

“Son,” he said, “look and tell me what you see.”

I looked at my feet. I noticed the sand, how some crystals of sand shined brightly as they reflected the light. They shined like the stars in the sky. “I see the brilliance of your creation.”

He said, “Look more closely — what is the sand telling you?”

“I don’t know.”

“It’s trying to tell you that something so small, so tiny and finite, can reflect the grace, the power, the warmth, and the illumination of the sun. What else do you see, my Son?” he asked.

I thought for a moment. “I see the still water before me.” Suddenly I realized the water was reflecting all of the creationaround me.

“Well done, my Son,” he said.

I took in the beauty of the sky, the mountains, and the forest. I breathed it in through my eyes and took in its magnificence.

“What can you not see in the still water?” he asked.

I thought for a moment. “I cannot see beneath the water.”

He answered, “I know you cannot, and I will tell you what lies beneath the water. What lies beneath is what makes all the things that it reflects possible. Without the water, the trees would not grow or produce fruit, the flowers would not shine this beautiful yellow, the grass would not exude such vibrance and fullness. Without the pure water beneath, the still, clear water would not reflect such a beautiful picture. The pure living water restores all and brings forth tall, vibrant, and intense expressions of my creation. Dirty water cannot reflect light and brings forth no life.”

I looked upon the water and was grateful for its part in creating the beautiful reflection and the stillness for allowing me to see the reflection of its creation.

Thank you, God, for still water.

He acknowledged my gratitude and lifted his hand to say, “Beware, though, my son, a dragon lives beneath this water. He has been beneath many moons. Many have never seen the dragon, and many do not believe one even exists. But I tell you, this dragon is alive and well! He is not to be feared, but admittedly he can be very destructive. Find this dragon and care for it, nurture it, care for it as a child. In time, this dragon will serve you and not cause you any harm. Remember this dragon is my creation and not to be destroyed. For if you harm this dragon he will only grow stronger and summon more like him from the depths of the water. For the water gives life to all and everything that you behold before you.

“Now lift your eyes higher and tell me what you see.”

I lifted my eyes higher and, as a distant cloud moved away, I could see tall seemingly impassable mountains.

He spoke again. “See those mountains?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Those mountains cast shadows on some of my most fertile land. Why do you think that is?” he asked.

“I don’t know, God.”

He continued, “These mountains were erected by forces for many years, forces that began many years before you, before your father and mother and before theirs and theirs. That land could bring forth beautiful things—things for life, joy, and happiness. They could feed the world. Yet these mountains cast shadows and because there is no light, they cannot produce and bring forth life.”

I acknowledged his remarks. “I understand what you are saying.”

He firmly replied, “Charles, I know you understand, but how do you feel about those mountains that cast shadows over land I want to use to bless the world?”

Slowly, I  replied.  “I feel sad. I feel anger at these forces. I feel like something should be done.”

“Very well,” God responded. “Now, walk with me a little further.”

So I continued back up the steps and walked further back to the high point I’d come from. I took in all the creation and the things that I had sensed and learned, and I felt grateful.

Thank you, God, for your creation.

I felt filled with love, peace, and joy. As God and I reached the high point overlooking the valley and the water, he spoke again. “Where are you, Charles?”

“I’m right here,” I replied, a little confused by the question.

“Your body is right here,” he said, “but where are you?”

And with that question the Maya fell away and my eyes saw clearly, maybe for the first time ever in my life. I realized that I am right here and I am everywhere. I could feel my Being expand beyond my skin, beyond the grass and trees around me. It stretched across the lake, from peak to peak, to the sky and to the depths of the water.

God said, “You are all these things and these things are all of you. You have fertile land in those shadows and you have the Power to move them. Speak to them and they will move.”

I understood and believed and confidently uttered, “Move, mountain”—and it did. The mountain crumbled to the ground as if it had never existed. I noticed another one behind it and commanded that it move and so it did.

“Very well, Son,” God cheerfully exclaimed. “I have given you this Power and I have given you the tools to develop that land. Go forth and speak things into our creation for your voice in this Power is my voice. Whenever you speak in love, you speak with my Power and my voice. And thus you need love to exercise my Power, and so I fill you with my love and the love of all those who give it to you. Do you feel it, Charles—my Son?”

With tear-filled eyes, I looked into his eyes and said, “Yes, Father, I feel your love, the love of my partner, the love of my children, the love of my fellow humans, the love of those special souls who support me, and the love of my ancestors. I deeply and profoundly feel and fully accept your love into my Being.”

He looked back at me, eye to eye, as if to pierce the depths of my soul. I felt seen. I felt naked yet unashamed. He smiled a magnificently joy-filled smile and quietly said, “There you are. I’ve missed you,” as if he had been reunited with an old friend or loved one. “You have now seen the thing that I wanted to show you today.”

I was a little confused. “What is that, God? I don’t understand.”

He walked forward to me and stepped into me. His voice started, became our voice, and ended with mine, “Child, the thing I wanted to show you today is You.”


Charles will be leading a new course entitled “Leading Self Experience: Discovering The Parts Within” – click here to read more.